Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sylvia Allan's Visit

I loved when Sylvia Allan came and talked to us about morning meetings. She was very entertaining. Before she came and talked to us I knew about morning meetings but I wasn't necessarily going to do it in my classroom. Now after hearing what she had to say I will definitely do morning meetings. I didn't realize how much it would affect my students. Doing morning meetings brings your class together. It makes your class unified and makes it a comfortable environment. I think it is very important for my students to feel like they can talk to me about anything and to trust me. It was amazing to hear some of the stories she told. The importance of morning meetings became a lot more real to me after hearing these stories. She was able to help her students and make a difference in there lives and that is something I want to do with my students. I learned a lot from listening to Sylvia Allan and I am going to use that information she told us and apply it in my classroom.

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